Here's the latest BTUSA news:
Magnificent Specimens
Saturday was the opening of "Magnificent Specimens," Dave Mead's exhibit of photos from the WBMC last year in Alaska. The exhibit is at the Chelsea Market in New York City. It will run there through June. There was a strong BTUSA presence at the opening, including a film crew from LA. Details on the exhibit here: magnificent/ Check it out if you can!
Springfield Beard and Moustache Contest
Memorial Day Weekend will see the final, final warm-up event for the Nationals -- the Springfield Beard and Moustache Contest. It's at the Patton Alley Pub on Saturday night, May 29. Organizer Christy Claybaker has promised a great time for anyone with or without a beard. Brighton- and Anchorage-vet Devin Cara and Christy's husband Clay, both of whom will be competing in Bend, will serve as judges. Proceeds go to the Lance Armstrong Foundation. See!/ event.php?eid=115300261835815& ref=mf Which Springfield? Not the Simpsons' one. This one is in Missouri, Missouruh to some.
Burke Kenny to Judge
And now, announcing another celebrity judge! FBSM former world champ (many say he should be the current world champ) Burke Kenny will be on the judges' panel in Bend. "Beards should judge beards," says Burke. Also it looks like Burke's band, As the Devil Dances, will have their gig in Bend on Friday night, not Thursday as previously planned. This will be at the big welcoming party at the Old Stone Church to which everyone is of course invited.
Judge Applicants
We have several applications for others who want to judge. Go to, check them out, and let your opinions be known!
If you'd like to print out some of the posters for yourself, the full resolution images are available nationals/posters-and-logos.
Finally, a reminder: If you want a super-cool Beard Team USA name tag to show off in Bend, you need to Paypal me $5 by this Saturday, May 15 at the latest. Let me know how you want your name and hometown to read
Twitter and Facebook
Beard Team USA now has a much more active presence on both Facebook and Twitter. Be sure to become a fan/follower to keep up on last minute preparations for Bend. Also be sure to keep the rest of us posted on your own plans. and
See you soon,
Phil Olsen
Founder and self-appointed Captain
Beard Team USA

I'll be in NYC in June visiting my sister and bro-in-law. We're going to see the "Magnificent Specimens" exhibit. With Burke Kenny judging and Jack Passion MCing, two championship beards are not competing in the Nats, opening the floor for some new blood to be crowned champion. -Shock
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